These words close the ensemble of Taylor Quick's hit melody "Romantic tale" - however they likewise mirror America's overall fixation on our kind of-nearest thing-to-a-regal couple, four-time collection of the year Grammy victor Quick and Kansas City Bosses tight end Travis Kelce.

The pair, who began dating barely a year ago, have brought us along the ride of their tornado sentiment.

From extremely open kisses (remembering after the Bosses beat the '49ers for Sunday's Super Bowl) to changing melody verses ("Karma is the person on the Bosses"), some could call you a Penny pincher for not in any event, grinning marginally at the super couple.

"Ideal completion of this romcom we've been watching on live television," kept in touch with one Instagram client about Quick and Kelce's post Super Bowl kiss. The Message considered it a "fantasy finishing."

Perhaps you're one of those individuals who can't quit spouting over Swelce or a couple all the more up close and personal.

Certain individuals are really cheerful at seeing other's (counting VIPs) satisfaction.

" You may feel "freudenfreude," or "a vicarious encounter of another's euphoria - think inverse to fun at others' expense, where one gets delight from someone else's incidents," Fisher adds.

On the off chance that you are a Swiftie, you might feel this more articulated.

"Almost certainly, the impact is expanded when we feel an association with the individual in question, which fans may unquestionably insight with famous people," Fisher says.

"This sharing of delight has a wide range of beneficial outcomes; it causes us to accept things are positive and great, and relatedly diminishes pressure and the related cortisol chemical."